Brewster Kegworth did not like Mr Sidenose. He couldn’t put his finger on why he didn’t like him it was just that every time Mr Sidenose came into his life he got a sense of foreboding.
The foreboding was always in the shape of large amounts of cash. Extremely large amounts of cash. Either for Brewster to invest or his commission, or a bonus on top of his commission or a tip on top of the bonus. Sidney Sidenose, a sallow skinned solicitor from Shoreditch, always wore a camel haired coat, in all weathers, and he was always rubbing his hands together.
This all started twelve months ago.
Brewster Kegworth left university with a degree in business studies and started working immediately in the stock market in London. He had worked on the stock exchange floor for several years, enjoying the cut and thrust of the trading then progressed to the investment offices where he worked on large corporate portfolios.
Brewster started life in the stock market as a young lean twelve stone floor walker. As he progressed through the stages in the investment offices he became less active and was now sixteen stone and starting to lose his fine head of hair. Although he was six foot tall he was vastly overweight and at the age of fifty was heading for the usual stockbroker’s stress related problems.
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